Donna Tippin

Bryant Elementary School, Tampa FL

Donna Tippin has served as the NEHS adviser at Bryant Elementary School for six years. In that time, she has regularly overseen successful chapter service activities including toy drives and reading to animals at the Humane Society. In addition to her role as an Honor Society adviser, Tippin is a well-celebrated educator in her state, earning several Educator of the Year and Teacher of the Year awards, including the Barnes & Noble Local Educator of the Year and State High Impact Teacher from the Florida Department of Education.

In addition to outlining Tippin’s professional and chapter accomplishments, Principal Ellen Oberschall states that Tippin, “has a positive and lasting influence on the members of NEHS. She is known for her passion for teaching and motivates her students to perform at their best. More importantly, she cares about them and their core interests. She exemplifies the NEHS pillars of scholarship, responsibility, service, and leadership.”

NEHS member Olivia Sheakoski echoes these thoughts in her own recommendation, highlighting Tippin’s leadership during the pandemic and adapting to hybrid learning. She says, “So many of the normal things you are used to doing look so very different. You’re sure there is no way that you will be able to do NEHS this year, but Mrs. Tippin had a plan! She will let nothing stop her when it comes to her students, not even a pandemic. Mrs. Tippin not only made National Elementary Honor Society happen for our chapter, but she is also inspiring and motivating us each month. She has helped us to come up with creative ways to meet our chapter’s goals. Thanks to Mrs. Tippin, doing good is always possible! She does more good for our chapter members and the community than she even realizes. I am so thankful she is our NEHS chapter adviser.”

We are grateful to Principal Oberschall for her support of NEHS and the role of the NEHS adviser. Tippin’s commitment to education and student leadership is reflective of the commitment of all Honor Society advisers, and we are extremely appreciative of her willingness to serve in this role.

Congratulations to Donna Tippin and the students and staff of Bryant Elementary School from the National Elementary Honor Society and National Association of Secondary School Principals!