To motivate and support student success is one of teaching’s greatest rewards. We want to help you be part of your students’ growth beyond the classroom. NEHS adviser resources include:

  • Online chapter management assistance and tools offered in our Adviser Resource Center, as well as support from expert national staff by phone and email.
  • Idea exchange utilizing our National Student Project Database—fully accessible by affiliated schools only—so you can get your next best idea for a service project or recognition ceremony. Most entries are from middle level and high schools, but many can be adapted for elementary students.
  • Digital and print publications, a monthly e-newsletter and quarterly print newsletter, featuring news, chapter profiles, and chapter management guidance.
  • An online store for purchase of official insignia, apparel, supplies, and NEHS affiliate-discounted publications.

How Can Your School Get Involved?
It’s very simple. Your school first needs to start a chapter. Visit our Start a Chapter page to learn more and get an application. You can also email [email protected] or call (800) 253-7746, option 4.