Students in grades 4-6, who have been enrolled at the school for the equivalent of one semester, and who meet the cumulative GPA requirement (Scholarship) set by their school’s chapter, are eligible to be candidates for membership. Each chapter determines which grade levels will be included in their local selection process.

Each chapter is required to publish a description of their selection procedure, and to consider eligible candidates for membership. A faculty council is required to evaluate and select new members, and a majority vote of the council is required for selection.

  • Scholarship
    Per national guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent standard of excellence. (Each school chapter is allowed to require a higher cumulative GPA.)

  • Responsibility – Positive qualities of responsibility may include high standards of honesty and reliability, demonstrating courtesy, concern, and respect of others, and good citizenship. Local chapters may define

Once selected and inducted, members continue to demonstrate these qualities, and participate in chapter activities to build and improve their Leadership and Service skills.

No. However, students enrolled in schools part-time who meet the requirements for initial review may be eligible for membership, if chapter bylaws permit.

Yes, though only at the local level, through existing chapter procedures. The national office does not hear appeals for student membership decisions. Please keep in mind that NEHS membership is a privilege, not a right, and that your school’s faculty council has every authority to withhold membership.

Local chapters are strongly encouraged to notify nonselected candidates. Some chapters also provide explanations and counseling, but they are not required to do so.

All chapters are required to publish their selection procedure in a manner widely accessible to students, parents, and faculty (see Article 9 of the NEHS Constitution). Try looking in school publications or on your school’s website; if you’re still having trouble finding them, ask your local chapter adviser. Please note that the national office cannot provide information about individual chapters’ selection procedures.

Yes, if you provide a letter from your former principal or chapter adviser confirming your membership—though you must meet your new chapter’s standards within one semester to retain your membership (see Article 8 of the NEHS Constitution).

No. All decisions regarding membership in NEHS chapters are handled at the local level.